
GitHub Repo: https://github.com/eohne/YFinance.jl

Download price, fundamental, and option data from Yahoo Finance This is a side project and my first package so do not expect too much.

Yahoo!, Y!Finance, and Yahoo! finance are registered trademarks of Yahoo, Inc.

YFinance.jl is not endorsed or in anyway affiliated with Yahoo, Inc. The data retreived can only be used for personal use. Please see Yahoo's terms of use to ensure that you can use the data:

*** No decryption issues ***

The implementation of YFinance.jl is similar to the python package yahooquery in that it accesses data through API endpoints. Therefore, YFinance.jl does not experience the same decryption issues that python’s yfinance faces at the moment.

What you can download

  • Price data (including intraday)
  • Fundamental data
  • Option Data
  • ESG Data
  • quoteSummary data (this is a JSON3.object that contains a multitude of different information)


The package is registered in the General registry

You can install the YFinance package by entering the package manager and typing:

] add YFinance 

You could also install the package by first calling using Pkg:

using Pkg

To load the package simply type the following:

using YFinance

Precompilation across different versions

Version 0.1.10

Precompiles only the response processing part of the get_prices function and not the HTTP request. Most of the compilation time lies unfortunately with the request itself. To Install this version enter the package mode by entering ] in the REPL and run the following command:

  (@v1.10) pkg> add YFinance

Version 0.1.9

Does not precompile. To Install this version enter the package mode by entering ] in the REPL and run the following command:

  (@v1.10) pkg> add YFinance @v0.1.9

Version 0.1.8

Precompilation of the get_prices function. This has caused precompilation hangs for Julia 1.10 and 1.11 - package typically still precompiles but takes long and gives warnings. One user at least has reported errors. Note precompilation also does not work if you require to set a proxy to access the internet.

To Install this version enter the package mode by entering ] in the REPL and run the following command:

(@v1.10) pkg> add YFinance @v0.1.8