Plotting Some Data
This section gives some examples on how to create plots for a few data items - quite a lot of data that is available is not covered here.
Packages Used
- DataFrames.jl for easier data handling
- TimeSeries.jl To show interoperability with TimeArray
- TSFrames.jl To show interoperability with TSFrame
- Dates.jl because we need dates
- Plots.jl
- StatsPlots.jl
Load the packages:
using YFinance
using DataFrames, Dates, Plots, StatsPlots
Retriev price information for AAPL
Here we use intraday price information.
AAPL = get_prices("AAPL",interval = "1m",range="1d")
OHLC Plot (Intraday)
Here we can use the TimeSeries package. One can instead also just use the data from the dictionary, or sink into a DataFrame or a TSFrame
The Plot:
Plotting the first 25 values.
plot( sink_prices_to(TimeArray,AAPL)[1:25] , seriestype = :candlestick)
# Alternative call:
plot(get_prices(TimeArray,"AAPL",interval = "1m",range="1d")[1:25] , seriestype = :candlestick)
Plot Multiple Items
For illustration I used Apple (AAPL), the S&P500 (^GSPC), and the NASDAQ (^IXIC) for this. To show the interoparability with TSFrames.jl we will sink to TSFrame in this example
Download Data as a TSFrame
# Lets use TSFrames now for this example.
tickers = ["AAPL","^GSPC", "^IXIC"];
# Broadcast and sink into a TSFrame
prices = get_prices.((TSFrame,),tickers,interval="1d",range="2y")
# get rid of the ^ in the tickers
tickers = replace.(tickers,"^"=>"");
# Get only the adjusted close and time index and join the data into one TSFrame
prices = join(getindex.(prices,:,([:Index,:adjclose],))...)
# we want to rename the adjclose to the tickers
TSFrames.rename!(prices, tickers)
Comparsion Plot - raw prices
# Let's compare how the stocks have performed over time:
# Creates a comparison plot of the price for all items
Comparison Plot - Wealth Index
For better comparison we first calculate returns and afterwards a wealth index then plot that.
# First caluclate log returns.
prices = diff(log.(prices))
# next add a zero to the first missing value so the index starts at 1.
for t in tickers
getproperty(prices, Symbol(t*"_log"))[begin] = 0.0
# we now need to cumulate these to get a wealth index.
for t in tickers
getproperty(prices, Symbol(t*"_log"))[begin:end] = cumsum(getproperty(prices, Symbol(t*"_log"))[begin:end])
# Take the exponent again to go back to "normal returns"
prices = exp.(prices)
TSFrames.rename!(prices,tickers) # rename back to the old names without "_log" attached.
Get Fundamental Data - Example Income Statement
# Download and store in a DataFrame
is_apple = get_Fundamental("AAPL","income_statement","annual","2020-01-01","2024-12-31") |> DataFrame
# Calculate Profit Margin etc at different levels
is_apple.ProfitM = is_apple.NetIncome./is_apple.TotalRevenue;
is_apple.OperIncM = is_apple.OperatingIncome./is_apple.TotalRevenue;
is_apple.GrossProfitM = is_apple.GrossProfit./is_apple.TotalRevenue;
# Plot:
plot(is_apple.timestamp, is_apple.GrossProfitM,label = names(is_apple)[2], seriestype = :bar, legend=true)
plot!(is_apple.timestamp, is_apple.OperIncM,label = names(is_apple)[3], seriestype = :bar)
plot!(is_apple.timestamp, is_apple.ProfitM,label = names(is_apple)[4], seriestype = :bar)
ESG Data Bar Chart
Bar Chart comparing ESG scores between AAPL and its peers
Download ESG data and convert to a DataFrame and reshape to long format for easier plotting
esg = get_ESG("AAPL")
esg = vcat([DataFrame(i) for i in values(esg)]...) #convert to DataFrame
subset!(esg, :timestamp => x -> isequal.(x,maximum(x))) # take only the newest values
esg = DataFrames.stack(esg,[:esgScore,:environmentScore,:governanceScore,:socialScore]) #reshape into long format
using StatsPlots
groupedbar(esg.variable, esg.value, group = esg.symbol, ylabel = "Scores")
Pie Chart of the major Holders
Downloading the Data
major_holders = get_major_holders_breakdown("AAPL") |> DataFrame
Creating the Pie Chart
#select the relevant fields:
select!(major_holders, r"insiders|institutionsP");
# Calculate the left over part
major_holders.Rest .= 1-sum(major_holders[1,1:2])
# reshape to long